The will to undertake a cross-border cooperation among the institutional, administrative and political structures of Muggia and Capodistria/Koper municipalities had already been voiced through a letter of intent drawn up in 2003. The following necessary step to undertake any concrete initiative is the setting up of a channel of communication, which requires learning our mutual languages and technical-administrative terminology. All of which, in order to set up stable relationships among institutions, state-owned enterprises, cultural associations and organizations of the municipalities involved, in order to favour joint projects and innovative initiatives in the cultural and administrative sectors. These projects and initiatives can exert a favourable influence on the daily life of the two bordering communities, which are very close in terms of their physical location but extremely distant from the organizational point of view. The AR.CO. project stems from this primary need; six committees have been set up in the field of public works and town planning, trade, culture and sport, tourism and environment, technological and computerized networks and education. The results of these committees’ work give ground for hope that their activity is going to continue and ambitious objectives are going to be achieved.