The general objective of ARGOS is to promote and apply a common integrated approach in the protection of marine resources and in the preservation of good environmental status of Adriatic sea, built upon both institutional and operative actions oriented to reduce directly and indirectly the human pressure by fisheries and aquaculture activities on marine habitats and species. Institutional actions provide a shared approach to common topics concerning the sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture activities; operative actions provide the definition and the testing of shared protocols and schemes for the reduction of fish-related pressures on marine environment, in accordance with Programme and Strategic Theme Concepts. Such an integrated approach is based on the best available scientific advice as well as by operative stakeholders' for the application of common direct measures to increase the environmental and economic sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture activities. ARGOS sets up a common framework for governance where all Institutions competent for fisheries and aquaculture in the Programme area act as a whole in the management and protection of shared biological resources, under the best scientific guidance.