Because of trade globalisation, arts and crafts businesses are facing great difficulties. This is due to the individualism of artisans and artists, lack of financial and human resources and a reluctance to change design, production and sales habits. This consideration applies to any country. This appears as a paradox, since the Mediterranean has a strong tourist appeal, especially the Côte d'Azur, Corsica, Liguria and Sardinia (which regions are involved in the project with 7 partners). Therefore, it is necessary to react by offering a structured project to the artisans and operators of the Franco-Italian tourism supply chain. This project follows the cross-border programmes Interreg Alcotra ARTisART and Interreg Marittimo Me-R; however, it is innovative and puts sharing and sustainable development at the centre of the action. This project sees innovation as a lever for sustainable development and provides businesses with shared competence and service centres. The programme partners wish to address this vital challenge to optimise the competitiveness of the companies and the attractiveness of the regions. Through new creative experiences, this project should allow a diversified tourism offer as well as a cross-border cluster of arts and crafts. This project develops around trading and sharing places that will allow the actors of the tourism supply chain to join forces and gain visibility. A transnational approach is essential for better economic and social cohesion between the areas concerned. It will reduce development inequalities, optimise business visibility and establish efficient trade and lasting cooperation.