Integrated project consists of a number of activities to be implemented over 14-month period and it is structured in three cultural cooperation stages. It also includes educating cultural managers and involving local citizens. Overall aim of the project was to improve marketing and managerial skills of cultural managers in both towns and to develop effective ways of using local resources, therefore, promoting strong identity of the local cultural events and development of innovative cultural products. Artists from Siauliai, Lithuania and Kuldiga, Latvia pooled their resources to develop joint programmes and provide public with more innovative types of cultural events, for instance, street art, multimedia performances and exhibitions in ancient buildings. Other activities included exchange visits for managers working in the area of culture and workshops for artists in both towns. Special attention was given to the involvement of local citizens of both towns. Festivals Enter and Virus in Siauliai were supported by two theoretical conferences. Two festivals in Kuldiga included creative workshops for citizens: decoration of gingerbread cookies, creation of glass mosaics and compositions from natural materials. Workshops were conducted by professional artists of both partner countries. Members of the Art Club participated in Art Spawn workshops in Kuldiga that took place in December and April. Artists delivered some of the workshops (multimedia and glass art) for professionals. All the workshop results were displayed in old town for citizens and town guests to see. Educating of local cultural managers from Siauliai and Kuldiga took place in a one-day seminar in Siauliai. One of the specific target groups was youth who were invited to workshops and taught how to make films, use new media in theatre and develop their artistic skills.