The technological development towards automated transport is fast. It is likely that automated road transport (ART) will change spatial development and the transport system in the North Sea Region and beyond in a fundamental way. Currently, much enabling of technological developments and test applications of automated vehicles can be observed but little guidance is being provided for public authorities on how to deal with these new technologies, particularly in their sustainable mobility plans, street design and regional development plans. In addition, not every aspect of the technology development can accepted as positive. Therefore, it is necessary to better involve and build the knowledge base of public authorities – enabling them to raise their voices in the development of new framework settings for this technology. ART-Forum will create a debating ground for local/regional authorities in the NSR, address risks and opportunities and help guide policy development with regard to the impact that automated transport could have on the entire road transport system and life in cities and regions in the NSR. A transnational approach is required as the onset of ART will pose a similar challenge for cities and regions across Europe and a joint public dialog and development of sound policy frameworks can help spread lessons learned and prepare other communities for this game changing technological development more rapidly than any one organisation could accomplish alone.