An effective exploitation of Europe’s territorial capital requires deeper insights into the various territorial effects of EU sector legislation and policy as well as on how they structurally reinforce each other. Policymakers increasingly acknowledge the need to consider ex ante possible territorial effects of new EU sector legislation and policy as they might have both directly and indirectly often unintended impacts on territorial organisation and development at European, (trans)national and regional level. Policy practice shows that these impacts are sometimes felt at regional/local level instead of having a global impact for the entire European territory. The impact often varies throughout the different types of territories and regions in Europe as the sensitivity to different types of EU legislation and policy varies in the different types of territories and regions. Territorial (regional) sensitivity to EU legislation can be described as the degree to which a territory (region) is directly and indirectly affected, either adversely or beneficially by change in European legislation or policy. Territorial sensitivity hence is an important variable in Territorial Impact Analysis. In contrast to vulnerability territorial sensitivity also takes into account possible benefits but does not consider the (possible) adaptive capacity of a territory. Policymakers in the field of territorial cohesion and development need evidence-based information that supports them in creating awareness on possible territorial impacts during the policymaking processes of sectoral EU policy and legislation. A particular consideration in this respect is the fact that regions and different types of territories are not equally affected by new EU policy and legislation. The regional sensitivity differs due to geographical, socio-economic, environmental and cultural characteristics. A good insight in the difference in regional sensitivity is considered as an important element to carry out a meaningful analysis of territorial impacts.