Most transport starts & ends in urban areas, thus they should provide efficient interconnections for transportation networks. ATTAC cities/regions (important nodes of the EU transp. network) are facing increasing mobility needs, intensified suburbanisation, escalating traffic flows & congestion. This led to poor accessibility of these regions & externalities that negatively affect the environment. A major reason of congestion in ATTAC areas is the ever growing use of private cars. The reduction of car use and the shift to sustainable transp. modes would be crucial, but public transport(PT) is often perceived by customers as uncomfortable and rigid. That is the reason why the ATTAC consortium (local/regional PT authorities, service providers, policy makers & networks working in the field of urban mobility: 9 ERDF PPs + 8 ASPs) set the specific objective to introduce attractive & sustainable PT solutions/services in their regions which will significantly contribute to raising the use of PT. PPs will work in 3 interlinked thematic fields to generate concrete results & prepare investments: Task Forces investigate innovative tools in the field of 1)flexible PT solutions, 2)integrated ticketing/smart card systems, 3)intelligent passenger information. The jointly defined solutions in all themes will be tested as pilots/pilot studies to examine the applicability of ideas in various local environments, whereby giving credence to transnat. efforts made to solve local challenges. The results of testing and other project outputs feed the Urban Mobility Toolbox (MT), core output of ATTAC: a collection of good strategies/tools for making SEE cities/regions effective nodes of transnational accessibility. The implementation of MT measures in ATTAC locations (via Sust.Urb.Transp.Plans) will mitigate congestion and enable the free flow of traffic in SEE transport nodes, contributing to the general objective of ATTAC: reducing bottlenecks in EU transport corridors.