Due to significant distance from urban areas both partner regions contend with marginalisation as they are unattractive for investors. The project will contribute to improving connections between the regions, influencing the attractiveness of the region and it will have an impact on economic growth as well as on socio-economic coherence in the cultural, social and economic areas. The main outcome of the project is reconstructing County road on the polish side in a distance of 4,40 km as well as the road on the Belarusian side in a distance of 5,100 km. The roads lead directly to Sławatycze-Domaczewo border crossing. The project implementation will enable communication between the Polish and Belarusian communities of Biała Podlaska County and Brest Region, which will contribute to the comfort of travelling and will shorthen travel time for emergency services or other vehicles. As a result of implementing the investment, the use of already existing road infrastructure will be improved. Implementing modernisation of the roads will help residents to use appropriately their means of transport. The action of improving the technical state of the roads as well as load-carrying capacities and width will ensure the comfort of travelling for those who choose the alternative access to border crossings in Terespol, Kukuryki and Sławatycze and neighbouring towns and villages, thus omitting overloaded with traffic national road No. 2. Cross-border cooperation focuses on the improvement of traffic connections and, in this way, it will increase social-economic coherence in the partner regions. In the framework of the project it is planned to build a common platform for exchanging know-how and experience in terms of maintenance management of road infrastructure.