Persons living in rural remote areas far from city centers are in weaker position to find a job. It is mainly related to family responsibilities and to long distances. There are different groups who have difficulties to find a job away from their home, like families with young children, single parents, persons taking care of their family members, young people with lower education level, seniors etc. In many villages local people are ready to contribute to better living environment. At the same time the cooperation between the municipality government and local NGOs/people is the best solution for ensuring the quality, flexibility and accessibility of public services. Partners will encourage and support local peoples cooperation, so they could join their forces for creation of new employment opportunities for themselves. A new solution is designing “community services” needed for local people and for visitors. These can be for example: home care of elderly people, youth work, youth/children hobby and leisure activities, cultural services etc. As all involved municipalities from Estonia and Lavia are locating in regions, which are attractive for tourists, then another catergory of community services could be developed for visitors (community based tourism services). These services can be: providing local food, cultural entertainment, excursions, events, handicraft workshops etc. As a result of the project in Setomaa, Alutaguse, Ape and Engure communities the social-well being of local people living in 17 rural villages has been improved through higher employment. By the end of the project period ca 25 persons living in rural villages have got (mostly part-time) job in their home area related to providing community services to local people and visitors. Ca 10-15 persons are expected to find the job after project end. The provision of the services can be arranged via local NGOs, newly established companies or local people becoming self-employed.