Coastal water bodies around the Baltic Sea have a bad environmental status, negatively impacting on the living, business and recreational activities in the AI region. Achieving jointly set environmental targets for the coastal water bodies and the Baltic Sea Proper requires urgent local actions. Reduction of the nutrient pollution load is necessary. The partners, being coastal municipalities, rely not only on their own efforts but also on the willingness of individuals to improve the waste water handling facilities. This is a major challenge since behavioural change and personal commitment for the common good is a slow process. It has been recognised that the population at large needs a push to go from general awareness to action. The enabling environment is currently conducive for a large scale and intensified action (the push) since: (i) Appropriate technology is available; (ii) Legal Framework in form the EU directives are in place; iii)financial incentives exist The project partners plan to jointly develop new methods for public mobilisation. Traditional municipal approaches will be compared with intensified personalised promotional activities and direct interaction. The project builds on the belief that personalised support is needed to convince peolpe to invest. Specific Objectives: 1. Making people in the AI region willing to take necessary local actions to reduce their nutrient emissions to the coastal water bodies and the Baltic Sea Proper. 2. To find solutions for automatic measurements of marine water quality with high frequency including distant downloading of information and communication of data to target groups. Expected results: 1. Improved attitudes and behaviours (Qualitative indicator); 2. Increased no. of houses served by improved and sustainable waste water treatment solutions 3. Increase quantity of waste water collected in the harbours; 4. Robust automatic monitoring of coastal areas in the Baltic Sea. Project scope: WP1: Project Management and Administration; WP2: Communication and Dissemination; WP3: Targeting individual houses’ waste water treatment solutions; WP4: Targeting waste water handling from recreational boats; WP5: Monitoring of marine water bodies. Expected output targets: i). Three municipal methods for public mobilisation undertaken and evaluated; ii). 900 houses reached and supported; iii) 17 harbour operators and its visiting boat owners reached and supported; iv) Automatic monitoring stations tested and compared with manual monitoring methods; and v) Recommendations to national level on the monitoring of the marine water bodies.