The general purpose of the project is the tourist promotion of the Eastern Veneto hinterland. This area is close to the coast, which is intensely exploited by sea resorts, and is still unknown in spite of the presence of valuable environmental, cultural and landscape assets. To this end this action aims to foster a tourist interest towards the hinterland through the adoption of two strategies, one consisting in the establishment of new information tools for tourists (guide to the territory and environmental info point) and the other aimed at the direct fruition of the territory (audiovisual documentary and film festival). The project is implemented in cooperation with the Slovenian “MIN.TOUR - Minorities and Tourism” project, supported by the Italian Union of Koper-Capodistria. In this framework a tourist guide entitled “Lands of Eastern Veneto” was published, the first on the eastern Veneto area, that is also a promotional tool for an integrated and comprehensive presentation of the main tourist attractions of the territory. An information centre was also set up for eco-tourism, with the aim of accompanying tourists in the acquisition of useful information to organise their stay. The tourist will therefore be able to visit the website “Ecotourism in Eastern Veneto” in Venice, listing relevant operators and initiatives. A very innovative idea is the organization of a festival of short films, documentaries and films devoted to audiovisual operators and promoting the Venetian hinterland as a potential location for film-making. An original documentary has been produced about the relations between culture, traditions, environment, fishing and tourism in the area of Portogruaro, to be used at trade fairs and special events, in television programmes, etc.