Adriatic coastal cities face similar issues when it comes to mobility due to specific spatial and historical circumstances. Congested traffic is the result of the historical heritage of compact cities at unique spatial location which were not designed for car use, and tremendous increase of population in peak tourist season. With transfer of best practices and joint solutions on sustainable mobility transfer of good practice among similar cities will be ensured and money will be more effectively spent. On the basis of this, the City of Dubrovnik (Croatia), Municipality of Piran (Slovenia) and Municipality of Kotor (Montenegro) initiated preparation of a project nicknamed Adria.MOVE IT! that was joined by the Cities of Umag and Novigrad and Municipality of Lopar (all Croatia). The general objective of this project is to promote sustainable mobility for improvement of quality of life in the Adriatic area and greater efficiency and safety of traffic. The specific objectives are improvement of mobility and accessibility through more sustainable transport solutions and increased quality and attractiveness of public transport. The key activities will result in preparation of Local Sustainable Mobility Plans: first, a transport stakeholder assessment will be made, followed by an analysis of current situation and scenario building. Scenarios will be built on different assumptions and on the objectives of the beneficiaries and as a result a transport model will be defined. On the basis of that the model Mobility Plans will be defined for each Beneficiary. This is a complex process that will involve intensive data search, analysis of land use and development plans and potential organization of public transport and infrastructure for non-motorized mobility. A feasibility study and a strategic environmental assessment will be undertaken in order to check for environmental as well as financial and socio-economic impacts of the selected transportation model and mobility plan. At preparation of the sustainable mobility plans beneficiaries will take special care of transmission of best practice to each other, also from the previous CBC and international projects, and to include different modalities, including cycling and maritime public transport. Small investments (bike racks, logistic platforms, cycle paths, bus stops) will be undertaken to boost the kick-start of implementation of the Sustainable Mobility Plan, and short-time activities of the Plan will be implemented, such as improvement of local transport policies and re-organization of transport decision making groups, coordination with public transport concessionaries on public transport re-arrangement and implementation of intelligent urban transport solutions (car-sharing, park&ride system,…). The implementation will be closely monitored according to the Monitoring Plan. The project will be led by a Managing Authority of the Project, consisting from project manager, his/her assistant and project coordinators from each Beneficiary. The Managing Authority will regularly meet to coordinate the entire project and control of implementation of tasks. Throughout the project, intensive consultations with the transport stakeholders will take place, also in the form of Stakeholder Groups of key organizations that can have an effect on mobility such as public companies and concessionaires, taxi associations, large employers, large hotels etc. Promotional activities such as visibility events, radio shows, newspaper articles etc. will be implemented to improve understanding of sustainable mobility issues. A website will be designed for the project and a competition for internet game on sustainable and safe transport will be run in the high schools. Moreover, CO2 footprint of all Managing Authority meetings and of the Stakeholder Groups will be calculated and published to show impact of personal mobility on climate change.