The Solar Cooling System is particularly innovative from a technological point of view. It allows to cool and refresh environments using the air conditioning system powered by the heat produced by solar panels, that are traditionaly used to produce hot water, instead of using electrical energy to power traditional air conditioners. This type of system, for the way it operates, consumes almost exclusively solar energy: it exploit an absorption cycle, fed directly by solar energy, which covers up to 98% of energy needs of the equipment, while traditional air conditioning machines commonly use a mechanical compressor activated by an electric motor. The additional energy required is therefore very low, with clear environmental benefits. On the basis of all the considerations above, and having a look on the trend of energy demand compared to the availability of solar energy, the main advantages of using Solar Cooling technology can be summarized as follows: > use of thermal energy otherwise dissipated: the use of thermal energy absorption at low cost allows a drastic reduction of energy costs, and thus a strong cost- savings ratio for each user for space cooling. Used chillers can be considered as real recovery of energy; > very low energy consumption: the primary energy used is heat, and electricity is only committed to operating equipment on the movement of the working fluid; > variable power depending on the heat load through an “intelligent” control; > high efficiency, high reliability and low maintenance; > cut in fixed costs: a lower electricity demand lowers the fixed costs for the electric transmission cabins and electricity transformation. Adriacold, which will be implemented through 6 interlinked work packages (WPs), lasts 30 months with a total cost equal to 2.635.000 EUR. The project's partnership, (formed by local authorities, Innovation agencies , Universities and research centres ) is well balanced and consistent with the Adriacold scope and guarantees a wide coverage of the IPA programme territory.Relevant impact are likely to be achieved from the project results taking into consideration the expected high duplicability of the technological solutions which will be showcased in a handbook after having installed and tested 6 actual demonstration pilot plants.