The creation of a Motorways of the Sea Master (MoS) Plan in the Adriatic, connecting Europe with the southeast edge of the European Union, Cyprus, and the neighbouring regions, through a trans-European multimodal transport system, offers an opportunity for further development of short sea shipping and intermodality in the region. The overall objective of the project is to develop the MoS in the Adriatic as an integral part of East Mediterranean MoS transport system, through the creation, development and elaboration of a Master Plan. When MoS in Adriatic area will be developed at sufficient level, it will positively influence to high share of modal shift from road to intermodality, thus to reducing road congestions, benefit to environmental protection and, at the end, to sustainable growth of economy in the region. Development and implementation of complex transport systems, such as MoS, have to be detailed planed combining multidisciplinary science methods and real experience. Our Master Plan will be developed based on that approach. Main objectives of the project/Master Plan are: - to define viable MoS in the Adriatic area and their connections to EU member states in East and West Mediterranean, as well as their extensions to other regions - to define quality and security requirements for the identified MoS services, - to perform an analysis of the transport needs in the region - to forecast the future demand of the MoS and identify bottlenecks and missing links, infrastructure and services needs, - to identify and evaluate (Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Impacts Assessment) alternative scenarios of the Master Plan elaboration, - to provide investment and time planning and identify funding sources, and, - to provide guidance of coordinated actions for implementation of MoS - to produce a sound communication system with all regions concerned to the enhancement of MoS, as well as to promote the involvement of the interested stakeholders AdriaticMoS is a common project of Ministry of Transport of all Adriatic countries with the aim of creation of unique and common strategic development document for development of Motorways of the Sea system. Adriatic MoS Master Plan is a regional segment of East Mediterranean MoS Master Plan which is a strategic document of the European Commission and guideline for future development activities. All Adriatic countries will, by the implementation of this project, get, for the first time, common development strategy in the transport. By encouraging and implementing MoS system in the region, modal shift from road to intermodality is maximally stimulated, which has, as a consequence, decrease in pollution, road traffic load and development of economy. This is, in the end, a specific result of this project. Furthermore, as a result of the project, network of experts and authorities (MoT and Faculties) which will be formed through this innovative approach in common project implementation and which will in the future be the generator of common collaboration and coordination in Adriatic transport, will have additional benefits.