In 2010 the World Health Organisation launched the initiative Age-friendly World. The vision is to reshape all towns and regions into an exceptional (!) living space in which to grow old. The project Age-friendly Region will contribute towards bringing this vision closer to the Hungary-Austria border region. Old age and care is a growing challenge for our societies.  Previous ways of coping, such as a stronger commitment by relatives or the increased development of residential homes, are hardly suitable any more for improving the situation of older people who are in need of care. For this reason, the Age-friendly Region project will develop new approaches so that everyone in the region (and their relatives) can remain in their familiar surroundings, with a high quality of life and as independently as possible, even in old age. The cross-border cooperation allows the knowledge and experiences of both countries to be used and for a common model to be developed that builds on this. Six case managers will support 200 people with new systematic approaches for developing individual accommodation concepts as part of pilot projects, which are coordinated as much as possible with particular living and accommodation arrangements, and which are used in an optimal way with existing resources. The joint academic partners will analyse the experiences and effects of these new services in accordance with academic standards and open up the possibility of learning systematically from the differences between the two countries. For a long time, the strategies of the two countries on health have sought to improve support for older people in the organisation of everyday life and care at home and the better regional coordination of related services. Age-friendly Region will be an important step in this direction by the region and for the first time it will establish bilateral cooperation between AT and HU in this area.