The agrofood sector is facing new strategic challenges regarding its competitiveness, which is connected with food safety, quality and traceability. So far the sector is dominated by small- and medium-sized enterprises which are not accustomed to collaborating with research institutions. Moreover, scientists are more committed to developing international co-operation projects than to addressing the needs of local producers. Often the link between research poles and producers is lacking. The Agrobiotech Xchange project aims at supporting regional development and industry competitiveness in agriculture and agribusiness through enhancing the collaboration between research and industry. Agrobiotech Xchange intends to set up a virtual exchange market place for technology transfer, access to science and technology resources, infrastructure and facilities, support to new and innovative companies involved in agro-biotechnologies and agro-food within the CADSES area. The Agrobiotech Xchange platform should foster and contribute to the promotion of joint projects and partnerships between participating clusters and their stakeholders, particularly SMEs, research, financing, public authorities and agencies. This should promote synergies and a shared technological infrastructure. The areas involved in the project have a strong predisposition for agricultural development and cattle breeding and are characterised by a high presence of the food processing industry. Here the Agrobiotech Xchange project intends to set up a stable network of co-operation for the technology transfer in agribusiness, starting from a consolidated core of competences set in the Lombardy region which will then be transferred to Eastern Europe and Danubian countries.