The project involves the following tasks: 1. Construction, modernisation and renovation of 11.87 km of recreation winter and summer trails, including 7.65 on the Polish side and 4.22 on the Slovak side, together with accompanying infrastructure (parking lots, tourist centres). Most trails will be open year-round – in summer to practice hiking and cycling (along some stretches it is possible to use roller skies) and in winter to perform cross-country skiing and ski touring. Some sections of the routes will be snowed and groomed in winter, which will increase the standard of maintenance and usability, and lighting structures built under the project will allow their use in the evenings. Trails constructed in the framework of the project will be connected into a common whole through the network of existing trails, including the Route around the Tatras; 2. Marking, with the use of IT tools based on QR codes, of 11.87 km of tourist trails, including 7.65 km on the Polish side and 4.22 km on the Slovak side. The tourist trails will connect natural heritage sites (the most popular valleys in Western Tatras, two national parks, the Orava lake) and cultural heritage sites: historic sacred architecture on both sides of the border (including one listed on the USESCO wold heritage list); 3. Development of a mobile application which, on one hand, will make it possible to obtain information concerning trails and the natural and cultural heritage sites located in their vicinity and, on the other, will allow its users to play a fun action game available for smartphones; 4. Conducting a joint promotion campaign for the borderland areas in social media and tourism trade fairs, including preparation of necessary information and promotion materials; 5. Organisation of an integration event promoting new tourist trails and encouraging the local community to get involved in building a tourist brand of the Tatras borderland region.