Padise Municipality in Harju County in Estonia (45 km from Tallinn) and Vantaa City (former Helsinge parish) in Finland have common historical identity and mutual contacts form the Middle Ages (14.-15. century). The project explores and clarifies Padise-Helsinge region back in the medieval times, values the identity of the region, and re-establishes cultural contacts and unity of the region. The objective will be achieved by archive researches (in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany), collecting historical data, excavations with Estonian and Finnish specialists in historical areas (Padise monastery, old villages of Vanta City). A book will be written about common middle ages (“Paddis-Helsinge”), based on the researches. The project participants will also prepare a material about Vantaa Middle Ages and organise joint seminar-meetings for Estonian and Finnish archaeologists and historians. 2 history seminars about Middle Ages will be organised within the project. Practical joint activity in excavation works in Padise and Vantaa creates opportunities to gain experiences, to compare results and to make conclusions about Padise and Helsinge relations during medieval times. Estonian and Finnish young history students will be also involved in excavation works within two summers. Within the co-operation it is possible to process jointly lots of archive information and results of conducted researches. Restoration and renovation of Padise monastery and historical exposition is planned in addition to archaeological works. Researched information/materials and findings and prepared summaries will be used in various exhibitions. The findings about historical relations and common culture of the two countries will be introduced to a wider publicity. The project has two Work Packeges to carry out the project objectives and activities. The WP 1 - Project management and coordination - focuses on joint activities - seminars, meetings, practical joint excavations in Padise and Vantaa, archival researches and archaeological collection researches and compiling the joint historical book. The WP 2 - Historical the Middle Ages connections between Padise and Vantaa - consists of prelimenary work of historians, archaeologists, representatives of local governments and museums in Padise and Vantaa to organise the archaeological excavations, collection of the information and materials about local history to complete it with the information of the partner. The basic work will be done in the WP 2 and WP 1 will give the possibility to cooperate and use together all the information and prepare concrete activities to distribute the materials and inform the specialists and local habitants.