Sheep farming in the Pyrenean region is an activity of major significance from an economic, social, and environmental point of view. It provides an alternative for employment in rural areas, using local breeds being a unique genetic and cultural heritage. However, the decline in profitability of these activities, due in part to the lack of innovation linked to its geographic isolation, is threatening its sustainability. The objective of PIRINNOVI is to establish a forum for acquisition and exchange of knowledge and research methodologies in the field of sheep management, reproduction and genetics that allows the transfer of skills and technologies to the flocks of local breeds of the Pyrenean region, in order to improve their efficiency, viability and visibility for society. The project is divided into five tasks. Technical and economic studies will be performed taking into account the environmental and social context to find common indicators of viability applicable to both sides of the border. Common work will be carried out to improve maternal ability and prolificacy linked to major genes, due to their major impact on farm profitability. For this purpose, weight recording will be automated, reproductive biotechnologies and last generation genetic technologies will be implemented (SNPs paternity assignment and GWAS). Finally, a communication task enabling promotion and advertisement of the PIRINNOVI project and its results on a large scale way will be performed.