The PREpare project aims at reducing the barrier effect of the border for emergency care and crisis preparedness in the EUREGIO. This project shall allow the implementation and evaluation of concrete pilot actions for reducing legal, organisational, cultural, and language barriers for cross-border cooperation without having to await long processes of changing the legal framework. Thereby, the EUREGIO is supposed to become one acute care region whose inhabitants get the optimal and fastest emergency care even if this is located in the neighbouring country. The backbone of this cross-border cooperation is a EUREGIOnal steering group consisting of the deci-sion makers in the border regions on one hand. On the other hand, working groups consisting of representatives of the professional emergency care organisations take care of the implementation of concrete actions into the daily practice. Two important foci in the project are the knowledge transfer on cross-border cooperation to the staff and the cross-border communication between organisations as well as with patients and the public. Based on an as-sessment of the pilot actions implemented in the project, regional and national authorities can decide after the end of the project if they recommend these actions as “good practices” for implementation in other border regions.