PRONACUL emphasizes idea on promotion and preservation of natural and cultural heritage and support the development of transnational strategies for jointly promoting the ADRION area as a tourist destination. Partners and/or associated partners have heritage sights, protected by UNESCO or Natura 2000 or will become protected sights within PRONACUL's pilot areas. PRONACUL’s main overall objective is to achieve level of capacity for the stakeholders in the fields of improved management of natural and cultural heritage for sustainable tourism development in ADRION area. PRONACUL’s activities will make changes to the current situation by developing new tourist products, that will drive PRONACUL partners into position, where natural and cultural heritage will be perceived as new content. Changes will be made by increasing management for preservation of natural and cultural heritage for other purposes, which are appropriate for this period of time and estimated development. This will be achieved through development, application and promotion of a common methodology for management of natural and cultural heritage in Adrion area based on a participatory approach to stakeholders. Common methodology will be tested and later applied in 15 pilot areas, whose experiences will result in a joint proposal for identification of the Regional Route. Activity will be supported by the virtual chamber established for promotion of the common methodology and its transfer to other ADRION areas. The chamber will be a consulting body for tourism developers, where regions will exchange experiences and best practices in managing natural and cultural heritage. In order to improve policies for better management of natural and cultural heritage the common methodology will be disseminated to policy makers in a form of recommendations for concrete local, regional and national policy documents.