Cultural Heritage Monuments (Monasteries, Museums, etc) in European Countries have a large number of invaluable treasures, artifacts, holy icons, very old & attract many visitors and pilgrims from around the world. Local population in celebrations gathers in big numbers. Also, categories as elderly, kids, handicapped, participate, or living around them. Often monuments are located in isolated areas, sometimes inside forests, being in great fire risk with little or no means to respond. The over-all objective of PROOHF project is to cope with fire risks in cultural heritage monuments, and their impact on local economies and societies. Sub-objectives are (indicatively) to: 1. Collect, catalogue, document, discuss and optimize all aspects of already existing emergency plans and procedures for coping with fire risks in heritage monuments. 2. Record and present fire status of the heritage monuments. 3. Search for possible causes which initiated fires in the past and creating a full record of all relevant conditions. 4. Develop training programs for educating people working /living there, train volunteers, foresters and civil protection personnel, as well as other operational people in coping with fires in monuments & taking measures minimizing the economic and social impact. 5. Develop post-fire-rehabilitation plans 6. Develop three pilot fire risks analysis decision support systems (one per participating country).