Many tree growers are anticipating new ways to control pests in a “clean” and sustainable way. Currently, the most widely used method to control pests in orchards is chemical treatment, which is extremely costly and has secondary effects on the health of workers, consumers, fruit quality (presence of chemical residues), biodiversity in agricultural environments and water quality (pollution). In addition, in recent years more and more insecticide products have been banned (European Directive 2009/128/EC, Ecophyto (France), NAPAN (Belgium)). The PROVERBIO project aims to develop an innovative biological control technique using parasitoid insects adapted to temperate regions and having no impact on the environment. The project focuses on the most problematic pests: apple aphid, pear psylla and strawberry aphids. Parasitoid releases into crops raise two major issues that need to be addressed in an innovative way: climate and dispersion. This project significantly reduces the application of insecticide treatments on hundreds of hectares of orchards and strawberry fields, significantly reducing their negative impact on the most exposed agricultural workers and the environment. By providing an original and environmentally friendly solution to the protection of orchards and strawberry fields, PROVERBIO focuses on technological innovation, sharing skills with all stakeholders in the field (tree growers and researchers), and supporting companies by creating new products and new jobs.