This project concerns the study of an innovative cultural-tourist development plan which, by means of a suitable GIS (Geographic Information System), can foster the integration of available resources on the territory according to thematic itineraries. In particular, a network will be set up among the various territories, by means of multimedia and virtual technologies, so as to diversify and better qualify the tourist offer. The peculiarities of the interested area - which comprises seventeen municipalities of the Eastern Low Friuli plain - are enhanced through workshops intended to qualify human resources in a framework of cross-border cooperation and system harmonization with the municipalities on the coast and in the Slovenian Karst. The creation of the Anthropic Park of the Aquileia countryside in the Karst and Slovenian coast areas will make it possible to enhance the specificity and existing connections of the common heritage. A feasibility study of the project will be carried out (planning, coordination, surveys, data processing and dissemination of results) and a GIS will be set up to promote and develop tourist activities, in order to connect mapmaking - even historical mapmaking - of the territory with a large data bank containing all its tourist-cultural peculiarities. Lastly, multimedia stations will be set up in order to provide tourist and cultural information, and websites will be created for the interested municipalities concerned, also posting online the thematic itineraries available on the territory. The web portal “Terre di Aquileia” offers the opportunity, thanks to its flexible, dynamic and multilingual nature, to enhance the local tourist-cultural heritage, also through the exact positioning of said itineraries on the maps of the area, that will be available online using GIS tools.