The main aim of the project is to create conditions for Polish-Ukrainian economic, social and cultural development for residents of the Przemyśl County and the Staryi Sambir Raion through improving the communication access to peripheral areas of the borderland. Thanks to the implementation of the project, in the context of building a new border crossing, Malhowice-Niżankowice, the investment planned in the project will create a joint and efficient transport system which will enable movement between the borderland areas, investments, organization of joint social and cultural undertakings, organization of tourism, including sacred tourism, and closer cooperation between local governments and social organizations. The effect of such project will be the shortening of the travelling time to reach border towns and villages, the improvement of the safety of motor and pedestrian traffic and the protection of vintage buildings which are threatened with excessive traffic. The project will include the redevelopment of 12,41 km of roads on both sides of the border. The investment will create a joint transport system which will connect border areas, thus, fully realizing assumptions and challenges contained in the Poland - Belarus - Ukraine Programme and such realization would not be possible without such Programme's support.