The previously implemented Interreg II A Karelia project ”Selvitys kuntoutus ja koulutustoiminnan aloittamisesta Poventsan orpokodissa Karhumäessä” (Report on Starting Rehabilitation and Education Activities in the Povenets Orphanage in Medvezjegorsk) proved that there is a need in Medvezjegorsk area and in the entire Republic of Karelia to develop the rehabilitation and occupational education of disabled children and young people. Young people, in particular, need guidance and support after education for working life and further education. However, the economical means for implementing the improvements in the region were deemed poor and lacking expertise. Th e purpose of this project was to improve the knowledge of the staff of the Merikoski Occupational Education Centre in preventing the social exclusion of disabled children and young people and to train them to work in international specialist and consultant positions. Th e social exclusion of disabled children and young people in the Republic of Karelia should be prevented by supporting their integration to the society and employment. Th e pilot target was the district of Medvezjegorsk in the Republic of Karelia, where the intent was to fi nd good practices and develop a workable and adaptable model to organise occupational special education. Th e aim was to develop a model to the target area that could be applied to the entire Karelian region.