The most efficient method to attract investments from public bodies and private companies towards innovative air and water cleaning technologies is to demonstrate the results and efficiency of the technology's practical application. Within the main stage project PlasTEP, different demonstration models in DK, SE, DE and PL were realised and used for demonstration activities. Unfortunately, it was not possible to receive final decisions on investments of industry partners with regard to the promoted prototypes during the main stage. Due to the short time after finalisation of the construction of the different prototypes, the extension stage would be used to organise 6 additional field tests in DK, SE, EE, PL and DE for different applications and different pollutants in the three areas 1. generation of bioenergy, 2. water cleaning plants and 3. timber processing, chemical and maritime industry. With these field tests and an application seminar (with demonstration experiments), we aim to initiate investments in the area of biomass treatment industry, water cleaning plants as well as timber and maritime industry. Additionally, the partners plan to foster the investments by initiating contacts between manufacturers/service providers and industry and by providing technological consultation. All planned activities support the realisation of the main objective of the project which is to acquire investments for plasma-based air and water cleaning technologies. Therefore, the main outputs are the presentation of target group specific results of the field tests during workshops and seminars. These field tests will be organised on the customer side in a bypass of potential investors. It is planned to involve also future service providers at these workshops who will present the results to target groups. In this way, the service provider will be enabled to directly get in touch with potential investors. Additionally, for each field test a test report will be published (altogether 6 reports). These reports will be available at the website of the main stage project and will be distributed together with PlasTEP documents during the planned workshops, seminars and an international fair. The presentations at the workshops and application seminars will be also published at the website of the main stage project (presentations of 7 events).