Though countries of the South Baltic Sea Region are one in terms of historical & material culture, little has been done to promote its common assets after the fall of Iron Curtain and the Soviet Block in the last part of the 20th century & shift it into a profitable – green & blue profitable touristic route, as the Maya route in Mexico. Archeobalt is a 3-year long project binding Polish, Danish & Swedish universities, Museums & touristic industry that pursues to create a protocol that will help in the development of an archaeoroute, that will integrate the existing ideas & routes to the new proposal based on archaeotourism, increasing & improving the existing routes & offers, & presenting a developed touristic offer that will outlive the project lifespan. The activities will have great social impact since it will cooperate from the start with the different levels of government and society in the decision-making processes of the project, for the design & execution of strategies for the archaeoroute as element of conservation of knowledge of the regional heritage, memory and identity. Archaeobalt will seek to perform within this frame of social joint responsibility & improve in infrastructure and resources according to the project, as well as to, increase the number of highly qualified personnel with sense of duty to help the creation of a green & blue proposal for tourism in an opportune & efficient way. The final results should guide the Archaeobalt for years to come after the project is finished and its actions should be considered with a view perspective to the future formulated in the following terms: The Archaeobalt should be recognized as a Program leader in Green & Blue Archaeotourism where cultural & educational experiences are reference for its managerial model. It will play an active role in the in the development of new projects and in specialized training for the benefit of the Baltic Region Archaeology & the creative economy of the South Baltic Regio.