The project is focused on the problem of diversification of local tourist product, where cultural heritage is considered as most valuable. Concentrated efforts will be put for rediscovering sites, with religious specific, which are always interesting for the tourists (foreign and local), but also very well complement the rest existing tourist attractions in the region. As the target group of the project is tourists, they face difficulties to get access to such places. Thus, the project is focused on socialization of several sites in Kyustendil and Strumica, establishing also connections and access paths between some of them and other tourist destinations (eco path connecting church Assumption of the virgin Marry with Skakavica waterfall). The new approach will be to connect existing with new destinations, as to make all of them more attractive, and so - to support local economy through more visitors in the region. Using methods of reconstruction and socialization, together with information activities, the general aim of the project is to propose the tourists a new attractive experience. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area will have long lasting effect for the local population as well. Because the regions of Kyustendil and Strumica have similar specifics, the needs are almost identical – how to use the historical and natural resources for stimulating the local economy and tourism in particular. Thus the partners have chosen to achieve the set objectives by common project applying methods which will not negatively influence the nature. The following results will be achieved as a result of the project: Constructed roads and walkways - 6171 m.; 2. Constructed 508 m2 tourist zones; 3. Produced 3000 thematic brochures based on conducted research; 4. Produced advertising materials 300 key chains, t-shirts, umbrellas, hats; 5. Carried out an open fair in Kyustendil with more than 120 participants; 6. Conducting final forum for 40 participants and opening event in Strumica for 140 participants.