During the project preparation and realization, the members of the team shall be in the continual contact. The project beginning will be announced by two media presentations in Nis and Sofia and the team members would be present with respective high level Ministry delegations. The aim of these publicity activities is to emphasize the importance of the project activities and eventual results and how the project relates to regional stability and safety. Further, the tender procedures for supplying the equipment will be organized for the needs of crime scene units in the relevant project area Police departments and forensic labs. The next segment of the project will be organized through workshops and seminars for the police officers, police officers from border Police Department, crime scene investigators and crime scene managers. The workshops will be organized in form of training of trainers Seminars (three) for Crime scene preservation – Police officers; Crime scene investigation - Investigators and Crime scene management- Middle management. Only 2 workshops of each kind (total 6) shall be conducted. Two workshops will be held in Bulgaria and the other four in Serbia. The seminars-workshops will be organized according to territorial principle, divided north and south. The ones in the north shall be intended for the personal of 3 northern Serbian districts (Bor, Zajecar and Nis) – 45 trainees – from Serbia and 2 Bulgarian districts (Vidin and Montana) – 30 trainees, while the south ones shall be for the 3 Serbian districts (Vranje, Leskovac, Pirot) 45 trainees and 3 Bulgarian (Sofia, Pernik and Kjustendil) – 45 trainees. Those officers should train the other staff of the border police directorates in future. For these activities the forensic consumable materials, IT equipment and training materials have been budgeted for. The closing conference for media will be held in Nis in order to announce the successfully realized project and to send the message to residents of both countries of the strong commitment of both countries and the EU to improve the safety in the region.