The circular economy is key to solving the NSR’s waste crisis and the rising cost of new materials. Circular procurement is an effective pathway to achieve this, with NSR governments spending 14% of their GDP through public procurement (€1.9 trillion annually) i.e. providing an direct opportunity to invest in the circular economy. CircPro will reduce the use of raw materials, help to close material, product loops in sectors such as construction and infrastructure, furniture and ICT.The challenge is that procurement practices are linear by nature and not conducive to circular solutions. Procurement agencies are responsible for buying products, but usually not involved in how materials and resources are used or disposed of. CircPro brings together 8 public and 3 private sector organisations that will leverage 30 plus circular procurement pilots with a combined value of €40M to address this. Each pilot aims to reduce 20-25% raw materials, waste and CO2 emissions. Transnationally CircPro organises 1. Procurer-to-Procurer Learning and Action Programme, 2. CP expert task forces and 3. transnationally cross-industry communities of practice.CircPro focuses on three pivotal scaling strategies 1) Minimum Circularity Requirements to help building markets of scale for suppliers, 2) transnational cross-industry communities of practice to build new and sustained partnerships between procurers, suppliers and the supply chain and 3) learning and practical collaboration between procurers.