Overall objective of the project is to build the public understanding about the economical and technical benefits on the use of biomass for energy production, based on studies of biomass availability, technical-economic aspects and environmental protection. In order to achieve the project aims there are defined following tasks: 1. To make the resource assessment analysis on regionally available biomass, determining environmental and technical-economic aspects; 2. To make the assessment of the biomass (forest), use satellite methods; 3. To make the territorial mapping of the regionally available biomass; 4. Prepare detailed regional biomass resource management plan, which includes the evaluation of territories from real biomass qualitative and quantitative coverage as well as technical-economic feasibility of using biomass for specific areas and financial analysis of the implementation of the results (including pilot projects); 5. To make quantitative and qualitative analysis of other regionally available biomass resources types; 6. Make the testing of the regionally available biomass to determine the technical-economic parameters (incl. pilot projects); 7. Prepare the informational base for the local authorities, public, biomass and energy producers about biomass as technically, economically and environmentally friendly energy source (ES) containing the guidelines detailed for the financial-economic calculations and business plan development. Project consists of such work packages (WP) and WP activities: WP1 Project management and coordination: 1.1.Procurement and Contracting; 1.2. Communication; 1.3. Financial Management; 1.4. Reporting; WP2- Biomass potential assessment and mapping: 2.1.Studies on Biomass types; 2.2. Biomass assessment analysis; 2.3. Evaluating biomass and bio-waste energy potential; 2.4. Screening and selecting technologies and equipment for transforming biomass and bio-waste to energy; 2.5. Evaluating the quality of biomass; 2.6. Evaluating of small scale heating networks powered by biomass; 2.7.Studies of new kind (alternative) of Biomass types. WP3- Biomass supply – demand modeling, CBA and competence tools: 3.1.Studies on legal bases of biomass use in the state, regional and local levels; 3.2. Market analysis on supply and demand modeling of biomass; 3.3. Development of the calculation tool; 3.4. CBA of biomass use; 3.5. Guideline development for RES strategies; 3.6. Development of public and professional competence tool. WP4- Promotion and Dissemination: 4.1.Kick-of meeting and startup conference; 4.2.Project publicity meetings; 4.3.Web Page; 4.4.Direct meetings with target groups; 4.5.Participation in state and or regional exhibitions/conferences presenting the results of project and promoting the biomass; 4.6.Experience exchange meeting.