The objective of the project is to enhance cross-border co-operation between Latvian and Lithuanian puppet theatres (Liepaja, Klaipeda and Panevezys) and to develop a network of puppet theatre and street theatre festivals in order to contribute to the cultural life of the border region, while also adding to the attractiveness of the area as a tourism destination. The project idea has developed from a long and fruitful co-operation between puppet theatres in Latvia and Lithuania. However, until now it was based only upon individual projects instead of framework of larger long-term projects. Project allowed partners exchange their knowledge and skills on managing performances, creating different types of puppets and utilizing common cultural heritage in development of performances. The main achievements of the project include organizing five international puppet theatre festivals, master classes, workshops, seminars, children art camps, an exhibition and eight performances in Liepaja, Klaipeda and Panevezys. These performances included plays performed in partner theatres and mixed plays performed in municipalities of the border area. The necessary office and theatre equipment with mobile stage has been purchased to meet project goals.