Main objective of the project is to increase the sustainable use of cultural heritage for tourism in Marijampolė and Suwalki by promoting arts and culture as a tourism attractions. Lithuanian and Polish borderline towns have a rich culture heritage that can be used as a tourism attractions, are attractive by their urban development. The number of tourists is growing not sufficiently rapidly, and this has a negative impact on the economy and other areas. Working together to promote local sights of Marijampole and Suwalki is necessary to develop opportunities for tourists to choose a route extending through the entire cross-border region, easily find information about it in different languages on the Internet, to get acquainted with the route in the virtual map. Together creating a common path design, the same convenient interactive presentation in virtual spaces, jointly promoting route in Media and social networks, organizing joint events, project beneficiaries increase opportunities to make their region more attractive as a single tourism destination than acting individually. During the project there will be joint route created presented in virtual map in websites of both partners, tourism guides published, objects marked, joint events (Art workshop with disscusions, exhibition and conference), promotional campaign disseminating and promoting the project and its results widely over the region implemented.