The overall objective of this two-year project is to reduce the barriers for deeper bilateral maritime co-operation between actors that deals with regional economic development issues in South Sweden and Kaliningrad Region. In order to lay ground for a long-term benefit a network consisting of relevant partners from all administrative levels and different sectors will be established. The ambitions are: (a) to place South Sweden and Kaliningrad Region in a global, European and south BSR perspective and give an overview on how regions/municipalities/other relevant organizations’ act on issues related to support regional economic development (b) form a mutual understanding regarding processes and methods that foster regional economic development and bring forward and implement good examples of well-functioning working methods (c) to identify and match branches and businesses that are interested in export/co-operate/expand in South Sweden and Kaliningrad Region and beyond. Four work packages is implemented, leading to the overall objective. Their respective focuses are a) how to make business out of project work, b) compilations and analysis in regards to regional economic development, c) bring forward well functioning methods how to deal with investments, business and business development (including aspects of good governance) d) facilitate business meetings. The central methods is seminars, study visits, data compilations and analysis leading to methods that deals with the main topics, aiming to spread the knowledge to the entire regions concerned. Bilateral meetings serve as the main arena for exchange of experiences and discussions; In between the four bilateral meetings the other five initial big activities will be changed for expertise/researches and small workshops both locally and internationally. The workshops are the main engine of the project and will develop methods/tool/visions and are the core for forum building. As an example of democracy project work we aim at studying and start using a specific method for building arenas (forum) were al relevant actors meet.The RED project partnership is a mix of regional and local authorities and representatives from private and semi officials’ organizations working in the field of regional economic development. There are official servants, politicians and private businessmen involved in the implementation. This gives the opportunity to discuss common interest on a theoretical and a practical level.