The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (district) heat as well as regulators, policy-makers, planners, investors, and consumers. Specifically, the New Member States and bordering regions with their extensive district heating systems face serious financial, technical and institutional problems. Major caveats include, fragmented decision-making structures, lack of coherent support policies for (district) heating and cooling and financing constraints. Overall objective / Objectif général The overall objective of “Regenergy - Network of Pioneering Communities and Regions Working on Innovative Heat Energy Solutions” is to contribute to a secure, environmentally sound, and affordable provision of heat energy. Partners from ten countries aim at creating an interregional support and information network of regional and local authorities, utilities, universities, energy agencies, and regional development agencies to promote the exchange of experiences and to identify, disseminate and encourage best practices in core areas such as innovative policy approaches and financing. Expected results / Résultats attendus The operation increases the capacities of municipal and regional decision-makers to promote energy efficiency and security of supply of heat energy. It provides dissemination of practical information, supports authorities in the identification of investment potentials in heating systems, in the diversification of energy sources, and in the development of projects eligible under EU Structural Funds. In the long run, the operation promotes energy efficiency and a more effective use of Structural Funds and contributes to regional development and the mitigation of social disparities. Activities include policy assessments and the elaboration of policy and methodological guidelines for municipal decision-makers. Partners also collect and document good practice cases, develop a financial evaluation framework and make concrete proposals for projects and financing possibilities. Based on thematic workshops and seminars with potential multipliers and investors, partners identify two to three pilot projects and conduct related (pre-) feasibility studies.