This project involves cooperation between two music schools, one located in the Lithuanian town of Naujoji Akmene and one in the town of Auce in Latvia, only 15 km from one another. The project includes student exchanges between the two schools to facilitate the sharing of knowledge between students from different learning environments. Focus is also given to the involving of people with disabilities living in these towns. A joint opera called “Little Grasshopper” will be staged for target group, coupled with an art therapy festival. It is believed that these activities will contribute to reduction of social exclusion and discrimination towards people with disabilities in project partner countries. The main activities of the project include the ‘Symbols of Ziemgala’ creative workshop, a garbage cleaning campaign at Lokava Mound together with Midsummer celebration. Project also includes seminars for music school teachers, a joint concert of a symphonic orchestra comprised of students from both schools, a concert of folk music devoted to Independence Day of Latvia, a jazz festival and gala event – music festival ‘Echo of Ziemgala’. Musical instruments, furniture, national costumes, methodological literature and music sheets have been purchased for the schools and renovation work have been carried out.