The objective of the project was to promote the assessment of the ecological state of the border region water systems in accordance with the EU’s water policy framework directive, water biological research and authority cooperation, the opportunities of the local population to infl uence the water protection of Pyhäjärvi and to secure the recreational use of Pyhäjärvi, and to develop sustainable nature tourism and to promote the preservation of the nature values of the Natura 2000-programme target. Th e project intended to compile the existing research and monitoring material from both the biological indicators of the state of the water systems and the infl uencing environmental factors. On the basis of the material, the ecological state of Pyhäjärvi would be surveyed in various parts and the water protection measures would be designed. Additionally, a joint research programme and monitoring programme would be designed, in order to assess the development of the ecological state of Pyhäjärvi.