European civil society is based on a set of activities carried out by non-profit making entities supported by voluntary work and operating in conjunction with national, regional and local administrations in order to improve many sectors of contemporary society. Public authorities have become heavily involved in the development of policies and services in support of these bodies, promoting their various activities and offsetting certain gaps detected in recent years with increased voluntary social work in Europe. The REVOS project helps create a network of 16 European partners and also to produce the methods and instruments required by public social services. Overall objective / Objectif général Aware of their respective isolation, the authorities hope to use ICT to create a durable network to facilitate the emergence and dissemination of good practices, thus enabling reciprocal exchanges and professional links with local agents to be established. The Interreg IIIC Programme was considered to be suitable support since it involves first-level cooperation between administrations (regional, provincial and local, but also academic organisations and NGOs) to promote regional development of administrative services and improve the role of voluntary work in social activities. Expected results / Résultats attendus The creation of a European network to reinforce voluntary social work will be supported by a web site to facilitate cooperation and coordination between the partners. The portal will also be used by each administration in its work with other regional agents involved in social services. It is, then, a work tool that uses information generated at the European level and at the local and regional levels to promote voluntary work, create exchanges and disseminate resources and good practices between the regions. The exchange of technical officers related to voluntary social work and sectorial surveys will be launched to promote interregional relations within the network. Dissemination activities at the European level will allow other European administrative authorities to participate in the network.