The main issues addressed by the project's implementation result from infrequent contacts between local communities, which results in insufficient knowledge about the community living in the neighbouring area (in the neighbouring country). Along with insufficient preservation of the existing heritage enabling the development of tourism, this leads to a limited use of the potential of cultural heritage of Puchaczów commune (Poland) and Liachavičy raion (Belarus) for the development of cross-border tourism. The overall objective of the project is to improve the use of cultural heritage potential of Puchaczów Commune (Poland) and Liachavičy raion (Belarus) for the development of cross-border tourism. It will be obtained by means of achieving two specific objectives: increasing access of tourists and local communities to valuable cultural heritage in Puchaczów Commune (Poland) and Liachavičy raion (Belarus), and increasing the potential of the unique cultural heritage of Puchaczów Commune (Poland) and Liachavičy raion (Belarus). The project includes renovation of two historic manor houses (Lachert manor house in Ciechanki / PL and Rejtan manor house in Hrušauka / BY). On that base partners will establish two new institutions responsible for cross-border activities – a historical, tourist and cultural centre in Hrušauka and a Centre for Creative Work in Ciechanki, developing youth and creative groups cooperation. Project target groups are: tourists, scientists, historians, artists, young people from PL/BY and both local communities. Long-term result of the project will include increased tourist interest in objects renovated under the project. This will result in bigger awareness of the shared history of Poland and Belarus. At the same time, a higher number of tourists will contribute to the development of the tourism-related sector and to the economic development of both regions.