In context of global crisis of the economy, the blue economy represents an essential stake for the future development of our maritime territories. Often considered as a resource, the ocean has also to be envisaged as a source of innovation, of growth and jobs. In this sense, marine bio-resources constitute a sector with high growth potential but still largely unexploited by businesses. These latter have to face many constraints and barriers (legal, environmental, economic and social). The Atlantic Blue Tech project thus aims at promoting and developing at the Atlantic level and in a joint and concerted manner, the marine bio-resources’ sector. Gathering economic and innovation development agencies, local authorities and scientific organisations, the project aims at capitalizing projects and initiatives previously developed under this thematic. Project partners will identify the main obstacles to the development of the sector and will define corrective measures. Finally, through the identification of transnational structuring projects, the project will represent an essential link to the future 2014-2020 programming period. It will also contribute to the operational implementation of the action plan recently adopted in the framework of the EU Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic region.