The horticulture sector is in misbalance in the AoA despite all favourable environmental advantages. Where know how has been gained through hands-on experience (SRB) at one hand, technological advantage has been developed (CRO) at the other. Both project areas established Centers for Competences (CC) but both remained under the umbrella of agricultural middle schools, serving primarily the student population. A growing interest in support services from the business sector, induced by the demand of standards, requires further development of these CCs. In Croatia the CC saw the birth a biotech center, in Serbia the City of Šabac takes up new support service duties in a growing horticulure context. The stronger research support opportunities in Slavonski Brod (HR) and the practical oriented development in Šabac (SRB) give way to a strong complementary joint action to develop further and create/deliver new support services through trainings for trainers, innovative familiarization with Blue Economy, high end equipment and a common e-platform as Collaborative Knowledge Exchange Hub and outreach to the widest possible target group. “Speed B2B”, fairs, study visit and mobility component foster individual contacts and development of a professional cross border network. With B2B actions and networking it fosters the increase of the competitiveness of existing businesses as well as the start up of new production units. The action targets 2 Agro- Schools and their population; Agro businesses (practitioners- 1000): mainly fruit/roses growers (SRB), members of Agriculture Clusters (3 SRB/2 CRO) and practitioners in horticulture from the Panonian Croatia area; Service providers to the sector (enhancing/ developing new services to raise and maintain standards as well as competitiveness); Relevant media sector related publishers. The action evolves cross border inspired from “Together we can do more” to “Together we can do better” to “All for One, one for All”.