ReTInA deals with the important transnational challenge of brownfield revitalisation. In the SEE area revit. is delayed and hindered because of legal, financial, organisational and image problems. Brownfields pose a challenge. They represent an underexplored economic value, are areas for investment and could be motors for job creation. Urgency is required because of bad influence on the image of affected cities. It weakens competitive investment position for the cities and for SEE as a whole. The goal of the project is to tackle these problems in an integrated way via a jointly developed revit. method consisting of a model masterplan and a strong campaign on stakeholder engagement. Three innovative transnational case studies (TCS) will be developed which focus on thematic challenges of brownfield revitalization. The TCS deal with creative imaging (design competition), legal/finance (a pilot plot ready made for investment) and urban/environment (multistakeholder cleaning up polluted brownfields). The TCS are jointly developed, monitored and implemented. Direct bottom up support via local brownfield stakeholder groups (BSG) combined with a strong focus on thematic taskforces as experienced content providers (via masterclasses, benchmarks, peer reviews and training modules for BSG) will ensure applicability and support of gained knowledge. The partnership is selected based on common problems and goals but also to find a match in partners bringing and needing knowledge. They represent a good overall picture of the SEE area and are all competent to deal with an implement the issues at stake. Main result of the project will be that all partners are ready and received the required tools to boost their brownfield revit, a start has been made to improve the image of these brownfields, investment interest has increased and a method and tools are developed and tested which can be made available to many other cities in SEE coping with similar problems and challenges.