The RemoAge project will tackle the challenge of supporting people with dementia and other frail older people to age in place in remote and sparsely populated areas of the northern periphery of Europe, where there are long distances and limited resource to meet the challenge. It will build on and roll out tested and evaluated service packages that will meet this challenge. The services have been designed and refined in an innovative way based on the experiences of the RemoDem project, implemented October 2012 to September 2014, and the experience from other relevant projects. The service package will include methods to support the frail older person with health and social care needs and their families in the home using, among other things, flexibility to peoples individual needs and an increased level of remote support. The expected results are improved access to personalized services in the area of direct support in daily life, support to family carers, support to health personnel, and increased involvement of the community. The innovative and new approach in the RemoAge project is that it will build on and take advantage of a strategy of transnational learning and exchange of experiences in the different modules that the services are targeting and test services that have not previously been implemented and rolled out as a comprehensive service package.