The project is based on a new partnership for cross-border cooperation between Zerind Village and Újkígyós Town in the field of risk management and prevention in the Zerind - Újkígyós area. Similar environmental and man-made risks (wildfires, fires, storms, etc.) have been negatively affecting the area and need to be jointly addressed further on. Partners will extend project results to a larger territory in order to get an improved and efficient risk management and prevention, by transferring them to adicent localities as well: Chișineu-Criș, Mișca, Pilu, Socodor, Avram Iancu, Csabaszabadi,Csanádapáca,Gerendás,Szabadkígyós,Telekgerendás.Common problems affect the Zerind -Újkígyós area, due to geographic closeness and similarities. The aridification phenomenon increases across plains. Thus, the risk of drought and fires is quite increased in the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area, as well. More than 200 interventions took place in target localities in the past 5 years, out of which approximately 70% were needed in case of fires, wildfires. In most cases houses were affected by fires, in some cases different goods were damaged (cars, annexes to buildings etc.), more than 100 ha of agricultural territories were affected. Droughts also damaged territories outside localities (more than 1000 ha). The costs associated to material and environmental losses exceeded 20000 euro/year in the target area. Disasters affect the quality of life for the whole target population, as they are exposed to risk situations, anybody can get negatively affected (no access to public services, loss of goods or even injury etc.) in these disasters, while the image of the localities is damaged due to disaster situations. Wildfires that occur close to urban environments can inflict damages upon infrastructures, buildings, crops. Also, fires also occur frequently within localities due to human-lead causes, generating damages to houses, gardens, streets, vegetation and sometimes to dwellers. Excessive heat and lack of water can also have severe consequences on daily life and on agriculture, industrial and leisure activities. More and more frequent damaging storms affect the area.In case of heavy rainfall, deeper areas become flooded. There is a considerable gap between the necessities and the actual allocation of funds, they do not reflect the real situation, as proper equipment is unavailable. A needs analysis was carried out in order to identify real demands and propose efficient solutions.Partners will extend project results to a larger territory to get an efficient risk management and prevention in the neighbouring territories that can be affected by disasters. Thus, the identified target group is the general public, that is the local population from the Zerind - Újkígyós cross-border area comprising 35110people needs to be better safeguarded and helped in case of emergency.Thus, the project main overall objective is the improvement of the existing system on addressing specific risks (prevention and management) and improving disaster resilience of the 35110people from the Zerind - Újkígyós cross-border area, in 12 months. The implementation of the project activities brings about a positive change in the target area: an upgrade in the preparedness of intervention teams from the area to react in emergency situations (joint mock drills,workshops), as well as an improvement of their capacity to communicate and reduce emergency response time and enhance risk prevention (acquisition of new equipment). Also, the local population and the stakeholders from Zerind - Újkígyós will be better prepared for preventing and tackling disaster situations (through education, raising awareness). The main outputs refer to the population of the Zerind - Újkígyós cross-border cooperation area, i.e. 13680 people from Romania and 21430 people from Hungary, which will be safeguarded by better equipped emergency services in Zerind - Újkígyós cross border area, due to improved emergency response services. Special equipment is needed for the improvement of the local services regarding safeguarding/helping the local population in case of emergency, which will be better equipped in case of emergencies such as fires, wildfires.The project showed its trans-border character from the very beginning of the idea of the project. Disastrous events, such as wildfires, have significant transnational negative impacts. Inhabitants of the Zerind-Újkígyós area must be protected from disastrous events by preventive and management measures implemented jointly. Transnational cooperation between the two towns is compulsory for a proper risk management, as work undertaken in isolation simply displaces the problem and puts neighboring areas in difficulty and disasters can always transcend man-made borders. Intervention teams must communicate and collaborate as fast as possible and have access to due equipment to reduce response time and better manage such problems. Since similar challenges and difficulties, co-operation is much easier, cost-effective and can achieve faster results than dealing separately with these problems. The innovative character of the project resides in the new collaboration set-up in the area in the field of risk management and the newly purchased equipment.Joint implementation and effective communication is ensured by partners' delegates in the Steering Committee of the Project. Though this structure, project management will deviate from the traditional sense, to the benefit of project implementation due to increase in communication and collaboration between parts.