To achieve, by means of a number of measures, a good ecological condition and increased biological diversity in the RIFCI project's target rivers River Mustajoki/Tchornaja, River Rakkonlanjoki/Selesnevka, River Gladyshevka (former Finnish name Vammeljoki), their tributaries and the surrounding nature, including the coastal area of the eastern Gulf of Finland. To enhance environmental awareness and responsible behaviour towards the common environment. To promote the attractiveness and economic development of the target area, and the welfare of local people. To promote the exchange of environmental expertise in the border and neighbouring areas. To restore the most important rapid areas and to remove fish migration obstacles in the cross-border rivers, the River Mustajoki/Tchornaja and the River Rakkolanjoki/Selesnevka, and in the River Gladyshevka, and their tributaries. To ensure the existence and viability of the valuable fish populations inhabiting the target rivers and the eastern Gulf of Finland. To gain up-to-date information on water quality and biological diversity in the River Mustajoki/Tchornaja, the River Rakkolanjoki/Selesnevka and the River Gladyshevka for decision making of local and regional authorities and for environmental education. To enhance water protection of riverside forestry in the River Mustajoki/Tchornaja and the River Rakkolanjoki/Selesnevka and thereby improve the water quality in the rivers and the coastal area of the eastern Gulf of Finland. To promote local and cross-border nature protection, sustainable nature tourism and use of the natural resources in the Programme area by concurrently taking into account the needs of protection and economic utilisation. To disseminate information to the public, authorities and other stakeholders on the importance of biodiversity, good ecological condition of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources in the Programme area.