In the past years the Pannonian plain has been attacked by Ambrosia Artemisiifolia. This plant, next to its allergenic properties, is an invasive species that disrupts the normal vegetation composition that develops in and around settlements, and thus affects the functioning of ecosystems in general. Since it has no natural enemies, its pollen is singled out as the dominant allergen in the region. Bearing this in mind, the project aims at improving the environmental conditions in AP Vojvodina and Bács-Kiskun County (Baja) through prevention of further expansion of ambrosia. Specific objectives are: 1) Reduction in presence of allergen plant-ambrosia, through mechanical-chemical treatment in urban and rural areas–short-term perspective 2) Awareness raising and educating of target groups and informing the community about negative effects of ambrosia–long-term perspective 3) Continual monitoring of the area and control of presence of ambrosia pollen in the air-long-term effects. Several results will be achieved: 1) Removed ambrosia in project areas 2) Education and awareness of target groups raised 3) Joint database created with data on areas under ambrosia and pollen concentration in the air. The main activities are: mechanical/chemical treatment of ambrosia; measurement of pollen concentration in the air; data acquisition; education with dissemination; awareness raising; and project management.