River basins cross nation state boundaries, therefore action to tackle flooding must be undertaken on a transnational basis. The key objective of SAND is to alleviate flooding by making better use of the gravel pits that line many river basins. The five year project, which is being led by the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat’s East Netherlands Directorate, draws together five riverine authorities from three NW European countries. The project will analyse the common issues that the pilot authorities face and the solutions they arrive at with the aim of developing an integrated approach to mineral extraction sites. Another key objective is the publication for use by riverine authorities across Europe a handbook on preparing master plans for developing mineral extraction sites. The 10.004 m euro project will also prepare a report on the impact of storing contaminated soil on the quality of surface and ground water in the area. It will also seek to improve flood alleviation in the Rhine and the Seine Basin by developing former mineral sites for recreation and leisure and so creating a more balanced and sustainable pattern of development along rivers.