B-CROSS project aims are the development of a Business Cooperation Network among Chambers of Commerce and Industry in CADSES and other INTERREG III B co-operation areas, that will use a Business Cooperation One Stop Shop (B-CROSS) to support and enforce Business Cooperation among SMEs in the involved countries. B-CROSS takes advantage of the existing experience and special know-how on ICT technology, ICT services offered by Chambers and Business Cooperation available in the partnership. B-CROSS includes mechanisms for connecting to different Chamber ICT systems where the existing business digital content is available. Other special services that will be developed will include services for the presentation of the regional characteristics and offered opportunities, user friendly tools to help SMEs create small product and company profiles, integrated transnational business catalogues and yellow pages, synchronous and asynchronous collaboration tools, and training services, among others. B-CROSS works as the tool to promote market opportunities, and match Offer- Demand of Products and Services to support SMEs towards business cooperation. During the course of the project the CCI network that will be developed, will include experts from other Chambers or related business efforts, so B-CROSS will be easily expanded with the entrance of new regions, (through the respective Chambers, SMEs Associations), and new applications. The large investment after the end of the project will be studied in the Business plan that the B-CROSS CCI network will publish.