The Fehmarn Belt fixed link will open in 2021. This creates new opportunities of co-operation between German and Danish educational institutions and companies in this region. This brings with it both economic and social challenges. Despite the geographical closeness of the two countries resentments still exist together a lack of interest and a certain insecurity when dealing with each other. This should be changed into natural contact both in business and culture. The main aim of this project is that the young people of this region come to recognize it as one area both in culture and in business and identify with it. The project shall prepare them for the challenges in the region and Europe. Examples are a lack of mobility and a high unemployment among young people. A joint company and traineeship shall give the participants the necessary competence to take part in the development and sustainability of the region. Multiple visits and close co-operation will increase the interest in the other country and enhance their economic and social competences. The Fehmarn Belt region will be strengthened, because the participants will be able to cope with the demands of the trade across the border between the two countries. Mobility and dismantling the language barrier will be priorities of the project. The participants in the project shall work as a multiplier and positive experiences and attitudes will be transmitted to friends, family and other students. To achieve this goal the students will establish their own company both in Germany and Denmark. The students agree on a joint product for tourists, which will be developed together, a prototype will be produced and marketing will be simulated. Close co-operation is necessary to create this product. Only a direct, permanent and structured contact between the young people will strengthen the region. This intercultural competence cannot be taught in class alone, personal contact is essential. Learning the partner´s language and to tolerate and understand each other are necessary to unify the Fehmarn Belt region and to create a common labour market. This intercultural competence cannot be learned in class alone. To avoid only simulation, annual one to two-week traineeships will be carried out. This project is innovative, because it simulates trade across borders. All the project´s results will be sustainable and effective. To achieve a modern and interesting course the participating teachers will use up-to-date teaching methods (tandem learning, co-operative learning, Interdisciplinary learning).